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Вернуться к началу каталога Mercedes Benz 300 CD TURBODIESEL USA
Название детали:

Кузов и шасси, 300 CD TURBODIESEL USA Passsenger car,coupe,model year 82 up to chassis 002026 as well as 002028 with the exception of 001664,001849,001897,001898,001911 passsenger car,coupe,model year 83 from chassis 002027-a 005826 with the exception of 002028,003897,003904,003913,003914,003973,004021,004031,004038,004046,004056, 004058-004061,004063,004065,004071,a 000384,a 001017,a 001084,a 001128, a 001264,a 001771,a 001845,a 001931,a 002183,a 002480,a 002598,a 002943, a 003136,a 003259,a 003710,a 003903,a 003940,a 004183 as well as 001664,001849,001897,001898,001911 passsenger car,coupe,model year 84 from chassis a 005827 as well as 003897,003904,003913,003914,003973,004021,004031,004038,004046,004056,004058- 004061,004063,004065,004071,a 000384,a 001017,a 001084,a 001128,a 001264, a 001771,a 001845,a 001931,a 002183,a 002480,a 002598,a 002943,a 003136, a 003259,a 003710,a 003903,a 003940,a 004183 federal up to chassis a 183430 wdbab53a5ea183430 with the exception of a 182944,a 182962. california up to chassis a 182871 wdbab53a8ea182871 with the exception of a 175452,a 182798. passsenger car,coupe,model year 85 federal from chassis a 185244 wdbab53a5fa185244 as well as a 182944,a 182962. 68L
АКПП, W 4 A 040 USA Automatic four-speed transmission with converter,model year'82/83/84 123.193 from chassis 005596 also installed on 003436,004714,005392,005519,005535 up to chassis 005595 see unit model:722.303 123.133 up to chassis 123.153 up to chassis 123.193 up to chassis f 031045 automatic four-speed transmission with converter,model year'85 for federal only 123.133 from chassis 123.153 from chassis 123.193 from chassis f 031046 california,see against unit model 722.416 67R
АКПП, W 4 A 020 USA Automatic four-speed transmission with converter,model year'85 123.133 from chassis 123.153 from chassis 123.193 from chassis f 031046 126.120 from chassis for california only up to chassis,see unit model 722.303,315 67S
Двигатель, OM 617 A USA Diesel engine with exhaust gas turbocharger model year 83 up to engine 060032 with the exception of 056623-056624,056845,057683-057685,057804,058185-058186,058295,058404-058405, 058510-058512,058607,058702-058705,058793-058806,059138-059141,059488-059500, 059598-059615 diesel engine with exhaust gas turbocharger,model year 84 from engine 060033-085397 federal as well as: 059598-059615,086262 with the exception of 083819,084193-084196,084319-084321,084638-084640,084773-084792 084824-084843,084901-084935,085019-085055,085062-085097,085158-085209, 085284-085301, from engine 060033-085712 california as well as: 056623-056624,056845,057683-057685,057804,058185-058186,058295,058404-058405, 058510-058512,058607,058702-058705,058793-058806,059138-059141,059488-059500, 059598-059615,086263 with the exception of 083849,084154-084155,084316-084318,084844-084855,085012-085018, 085059-085061,085210-085231,085302-085331,085405-085410,085515-085541, 085605-085606 diesel engine with exhaust gas turbocharger,model year 85 from engine 085398 federal as well as 083819,084193-084196,084319-084321,084638-084640,084773-084792 084824-084843,084901-084935,085019-085055,085062-085097,085158-085209, 085284-085301 with the exception of 086262 from motor 085713 california as well as 083849,084154-084155,084316-084318,084844-084855,085012-085018, 67K
Рулевой механизм, LSE 090 Power steering 123.0,123.1 from chassis,see footnote 14 22M